Peace of mind for you and your family
Moving to a new country can be an exciting, but busy time. We at Cigna are happy meet your international health care needs, giving you one less thing to worry about. Our plans are specifically designed for individuals and families living abroad. We’re here for you. Together, all the way.
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How to use Cigna Envoy®
Manage all your healthcare needs with Cigna Envoy®. From finding local healthcare to printing off ID cards, all the information you need is right there on the website.
Log in to Cigna Envoy®Submit a claim
Submitting a claim couldn't be simpler with Cigna. We know the last thing you need is hassle when you're in a foreign country so we make getting reimbursed as easy as possible.
Submit a claimFind a healthcare professional

Cigna gives you access to more than 1.5 million healthcare professionals around the world. It's easy to find them with Cigna Envoy®, our online customer resource.
Examples of how we helped different companies with global healthcare solutions
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